How do retain all this knowledge
I need tips to retain all the knowledge of code th at i am working i dont think what i am doing now is very efficient
6 Answers
+ 3
Okay, the thing is that you will only remember what you have understood. So that has to be there first.
Then, if you want to systematically want to remember stuff, you should cut it up in small pieces.
Not something like: 'All the keywords in Python', because that's too much and too random.
Rather something specific, like:
Q: How do you take user input?
A: input()
Q: How do you convert user input to actual numbers and keep them?
A: x = int(input())
So short, specific and clear, so that you'll find the 'search path' in your head later.
+ 5
Generally, the most important step to remember everything is to use it. You should regularly be writing all sorts of projects, gradually increasing in difficulty.
If you want to actively want to make sure you don't forget anything, it's crucial to repeat what you learned at the right moment.
Here's a quick demonstration, then some further explanation and a script I personally use to make the procedure easier.
+ 1
Thx s for flashcards i could write down a code and then memorize the output?
+ 1
You should not memorize whole codes. Rather, how stuff is used. Maybe a simple example.
It works best (well for me) if you make shmall items: short questions with short answers.
So like simple statements gradually moving on to mor complicated statements
Thank you i have just beat sololearn in a popup python quiz