What to write in css3 to make a map "the entire width stretched" in iframe tag ?
Sorry for not knowing the term for the entire width stretched" tell me please if you have this concept 😄
2 Answers
+ 2
The container is your <iframe> tag...
If you have only one <iframe> in your page, you can target the element in your css rules:
iframe { width:100%; }
If you have many and don't want to apply this rule to all, you need to more accuratly target... The simpliest way to do it, is to provide an id to your iframe, and taget it:
#myIFrameId { width:100%; }
And if you want to take ALL the width ( including default margins ), you need to set to zero the <body> margins ( other ways are possible, but when it's enough, this is the cleanest/proper way to do ):
body { margin:0; }
You need to add the map into a container and then make give that container full width.
( width : 100%; )
See this :