Inheritence Problem
The given code gives error #include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; class Vehicle; class Honda; class Civic; class Vessel; class CD150; class Vehicle{ public: int VModel; string VColor; int NOfDoors; int NOfTires; public: Vehicle(int VM,string vC,int nD,int nT){ VModel = VM; VColor = vC; NOfDoors = nD; NOfTires = nT; } int SpeedPerMile(int speed){ return speed; } void BrakeSystem(string brakes){ cout << brakes; } }; //Honda Class class Honda:Vehicle{ private: string ChassasNo; public: Honda(string ChNo){ ChassasNo = ChNo; cout << ChassasNo; } }; int main(){ //Somw Details of main Vehicle Class Vehicle v(572,"Red",4,4); v.SpeedPerMile(100); v.BrakeSystem("genuine"); Honda h("Sel175"); }