what is the meaning of code
print("{0} - {1}%".format(char, round(perc, 2))) in this line i donot understand what is work and meaning of {0}-{1}% can u just clarify me detail about it
2 Answers
+ 1
Curly brackets in the string are replaced by the parameters of format() method ( without need to cast them to string explicitly ):
print("A sort of {} template... not only for string but for any type of variables: {}".format("little",42);
... output:
A sort of little template... not only for string but for any type of variables: 42
If you change order of parameters, you change the order of the replacements, so you can specify the index of the parameter to use:
print("A sort of {1} template... not only for string but for any type of variables: {0}".format(42,"little");
... will output same ^^
1. ill tell you to go and repeat dictionnaries.
2. {0} and {1} are like placeholder for arguments that are in this case "char" and the other one is a bit trickier: round(x,2) is a number with two digits after comma. And perc is like x just a variable. So {0} is char and {1} is the rounded number of perc