Add Attribute
How can I add an attribute to a function I'm making in a module?
11 Answers
+ 1
Okay thank you.
Well its looking like youre treating "perm" as an attribute when it is a function within a function.
The way you have it set up, you might as well take off that extra function on the outside, from what youve shown it doesnt really do much.
Try deleting that and just trying:
+ 4
In Python every function is also an object. so you can add attributes to function names with the dot notation, for example this is possible:
def multiply(number):
return number * multiply.factor
multiply.factor = 7
print(multiply(3)) # 21
But I don't really see the point of doing this, you should rather use another parameter, or a local variable, or embed your function inside a class like in Slick's example.
+ 3
Attributes are meant for classes.
class Airplane:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.wings = 2
self.condition = 'good'
p1 = Airplane('Black Hawk')
#name, wings, and condition are #attributes of the Airplane object.
+ 2
Oh yeah you can!
+ 2
You could use Tibor's example up top.
Theres nothing wrong with it, just as he said, a bit unnecessary. Youre better off writing functions outside other functions and incorporating them in those functions.
def add(a,b):
return a + b
def addtwice(a,b):
return add(a,b)*2
+ 1
Tibor Santa
Can I put functions into other functions?
+ 1
What is jkhk?
def removedup(iterable):
def perm(iterable):
if type(iterable) == str:
new = ""
for i in iterable:
c = iterable.count(i)
if c < 2:
new = new + i
if i == " ":
new = new + i
return new
when I type
It doesn't work
The module's name(that I made)
Just ran it, it doesnt give an error, but it doent print anything either. What did you want it to do?
I would like to put an option to the function removedup as an attribute.
But I should learn classes first.
Isn't that right