+ 18
A new game is coming soon.
Remember my simple slot game? If you don't, just check it out... I was planning to do a better version, but Sololearn's input system is so crap. So, in a week or two I am going to release the big version, where you will need to play untill you get 10.000 dollars (you starting with 100 dollars :D). If you won't get that far, I will make a separate thread so you can post you high scores. To play it, copy it into "repl.it". After a few days I will make a scoreboard code which will be updated daily.
4 Answers
+ 9
good idea
+ 6
I'm waiting for
OMG I have only 67$đ
+ 5
Awesome :-)
+ 3
Sweet! The SoloLearn's input system IS crap. your right.