i have a problem, help me
i have a problem whit git, this is the problem luis0@luisvazquez MINGW64 ~/OneDrive/Escritorio (master) $ git status warning: could not open directory 'ConfiguraciĂłn local/': Permission denied warning: could not open directory 'Cookies/': Permission denied warning: could not open directory 'Datos de programa/': Permission denied warning: could not open directory 'Entorno de red/': Permission denied warning: could not open directory 'Impresoras/': Permission denied warning: could not open directory 'MenĂș Inicio/': Permission denied warning: could not open directory 'Mis documentos/': Permission denied warning: could not open directory 'Plantillas/': Permission denied warning: could not open directory 'Reciente/': Permission denied warning: could not open directory 'SendTo/': Permission denied On branch master No commits yet Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) ../../.AndroidStudio3.5/ ../../.IdeaIC2019.2/ ../../.VirtualBox/ ../../.android/ ../../.atom/ ../../.bash_history ../../.config/ ../../.dotnet/ ../../.eclipse/ ../../.gitconfig ../../.gradle/ ../../.lmmsrc.xml ../../.nbi/ ../../.oracle_jre_usage/ ../../.p2/ ../../.tooling/ ../../.viminfo ../../.vscode/ ../../3D Objects/ ../../AndroidStudioProjects/ ../../AppData/ ../../Autodesk/ ../../Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2/ ../../Contacts/ ../../Desktop/ ../../Documents/ ../../Downloads/ ../../Dropbox/ ../../Favorites/ ../../IdeaProjects/ ../../IntelGraphicsProfiles/ ../../Links/ ../../MicrosoftEdgeBackups/ ../../Music/ ../../NTUSER.DAT ../../NTUSER.DAT{d92741c3-dcf0-11e9-9fc4-84e490f93da2}.TM.blf ../../NTUSER.DAT{d92741c3-dcf0-11e9-9fc4-84e490f93da2}.TMContainer000000