MySQL subquerie not working out
I am new to MySQL, so be nice đ The code is about students, assignments, due dates, etc I have to write a query plus subquery, that shows the name, latest due date and how many days it is late. So far so good... create table grades ( lname varchar(20) not null, fname varchar (20) not null, due_date date, submit_date date, unit_num int not null, assgn_type char(1) not null, assgn_num int not null, grade int not null ); select concat(fname,' ', lname) as name, due_date, (submit_date - due_date) as days_latefrom grades where due_date in (select max(due_date) from grades) order by days_late desc; is working, but I have to get only 2 positive values. With my code above I get 2 positive and 2 negative numbers (days_late). I have tried: where submit_date - due_date >= 1, but I am not quite sure if and where I could use it.