How get information from exel in javascript
I want to build a web that checks every cells of a specific column and if the number in cell was greater than 5 print the left neighborhood cell. How can i get this information from exel
8 Answers
+ 1
There is a Microsoft Office Javascript API now: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/develop/understanding-the-javascript-api-for-office
Another thing to do is save your excel file as .csv and process that in javascript. (You can open the csv file in your code editor, the file format is really easy)
+ 2
Martin Taylor Yeah or you can also do a `<input type="file">`, "upload" a file, and then manipulate that with `FileReader`. But you can't read directly from the hard drive yeah.
+ 2
Sadegh karimi sis I usually use the MDN for reference:
But there are probably easier tutorials out there. I don't know any tutorials though, I'm sure google will find lots.
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