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1)What is return value ? 2) why it's need 3)why some programmes doesn't need that?
14 Answers
+ 1
1)return value is used to return a value if it's variable in the function is called
2)it's needed to return a variable value
3)it's not needed in the void function
Whereas it's needed while using int declared function and other datatypes declared functions to return value when the function is called.
Hope u understood.
Thank you.
+ 3
1). The main job of a function is to execute any particular task and return the result or value which is called return value. So the computed result returned by the function is called return value.
2). It is very important so the computed values can be retrieved and data can flow between different functions through the programme.
3).Some function* don't need that because they don't need to return any value to the calling function.
+ 1
It is used for function that need to give back a value after some computations, for example :
int mult(int a, int b) { return a*b;}
And we can do :
int a =3, b=4;
int c = mult(a, b); // now c = 12
+ 1
What is class
What is an identifier
For example variables or function names
What is static practically
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