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Validating textfield for a date, php
i was wondering if there was a way to validate (force) a date input into a textfield? i understand that with textfields, almost any data can be typed in. but i want to force the user to type in a date only into a textfield. formatting is no problem, just validating
7 Answers
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RegEx, but always remember that you must aware the user of what date format to use. I'm in England where we use the date/month/year or DD/MM/YYYY format opposed to the US month/date/year or MM/DD/YYYY form.
It wouldn't be sufficient using just one pattern to confirm the data. Example if you expect the English form, and a user inputs 12/25/17 this would pass this test; a valid date but not in the right order you originally wanted.
Consider having select options to restrict input - and it's more secure this way - when requiring data, but don't let that put you off.
+ 2
function validateDate($date, $format)
$d = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $date);
return $d && $d->format($format) === $date;
it validate any format and returns as boolean
+ 1
I think using regex, you will be able to restrict user input and allow only date format.
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thanks buddy. ill look into that
you may used type=date to enter the date in textfield
that would work. and it would be easier to go that way. but im looking to get a spacific value typed in without the use of the date type.
@robin you're welcome man ;)