11 Answers
There is a youtube channel about hacking that I enjoy a lot, it's called Live Overflow. It is worth checking it out if you have the time!
+ 1
Use ( ) instead of [ ], and ** instead of ^ for exponentiation, et voilà. Don't forget to print the result, though, or else you won't get any output.
+ 1
So do I replace the brackets with another parentheses?
+ 1
John Perez Exactly, and replace every ^ with **. Then put the whole expression inside print( ) so it gets evaluated and the output is printed to your screen.
+ 1
Okay so I did that in the coding playground and got a really long negative float number and a trace back error. Is that correct?
+ 1
Worked for me, here is the code.
+ 1
Ah okay I see what I did wrong, I put two parentheses at the beginning and not three like you did everything else I did correctly. Thank you so much that formula has been the bane of my existence for quite some time!
+ 1
I see hahah 😆 glad that I could help!
+ 1
I have another question for you I'm not sure if you'll be able to assist with this one but any info is better than none. I am currently in school for cyber security and I want to be a red team member. I've asked my professor on what it is I should be focusing on to make my way towards being a red team member, but hes always vague about it and I've done alot of research and have a general idea of where to start. But if you know anything about being a red team member for cyber security any guidance would be greatly appreciated. What should I invest my time in to improve my coding and prepare myself for the A+, Security + certs and many more?
+ 1
To be honest I don't know much about it, but seems very interesting. Being on the red team means thinking like an attacker and trying to exploit vulnerabilities on the defenses of systems.
I found this reading to be quite good: https://securitytrails.com/blog/cybersecurity-red-blue-team
+ 1
Yes I always have time and if I dont I'll make it, I will definitely check them both out thank you again you've been a big help Ed!