+ 4
what is the use of <head> tag?
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14 Answers
+ 2
If you're starting html, you'll find out that there's not much you will put in there, but in the future you will be able to put CSS codes in the head to style the page.
+ 1
Head tag in html is used to contain information on title of document, scripts(Js codes) , links to scripts and css files.
+ 1
Head is where the the title style and sometimes javascript codes are placed in your html code
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i know html
You can style with css or put js code inside the <head> tags and/or put a title for the page. Basically things that arent directly visible to the webpage are desplayed inside the <head> tags
It is used to give heading which includes title in it.
For more info you must refer to html fundamental course.
you can see in html course
what is the use of <head> tag?
help me
The head is basically used for titling ur topic or highlighting that thing which you are described in ur webpage