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Sololearn is an addiction and I have been told that addiction is bad thing. So what to do? :p
I don't want to be addicted of anything and don't want to leave sololearn either. so confused. skipping more important works because of sololearn addition.
5 Answers
I think it would have been better if solo learn was merged with play store , then one could have uninstalled it and then again installed it if the need arose.
my those important works are on mobile so its hard to avoid sololearn app/ its notifications.
if we uninstall app, our progress will be saved na?
it should be but want to be sure if anyone has done it earlier.
@prashant..what do you mean? merged with playstore? you mean by Google account synch?
yeah I am not sure ...
Even i am addicted to it the hunger to learn it is a good thing if you do a job in IT I use SoloLearn as an alternative to Instagram haha