Android code is open source, but still its pretty much un-hackable. Why?
10 Answers
+ 6
light The same aspects you think are "weaknesses" of open sourced software, are its strengths. Since the code is reviewable by everyone, do you not think that most vulnerabilities, severe bugs and potential backdoors are reviewed and already fixed?
No program is perfect, yes, but it doesn't have to be imperfect in such a way that bugs exist. A bug-free operating system can certainly exist.
+ 4
On what basis do you assume open-source == hackable?
For the sake of context, what do you mean by "hacking" Android?
Hacking tips, bad idea.
Non-root Android smartphones are not so easy to hack, if user does not provide any admin privilege..ig
How you can you hack a smartphone using phising?
As far as I know... phising means giving a bait to user like giving worms to fish and then entering their account using their password... Where is hacking involved in this?
We can read the code of Android , we can find out how it executes our command and find backdoors and bugs in the code.. in this way we can excess any Android system without the user knowing about it
So, by hacking I mean accessing Android without the user knowing about it
No program is perfect so how does Android is hard to hack, mainly non-root
Its not un Hackable ive done it many Times U can Get All Codes to The System