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Looping through json
Hi guys assume you have a json object like this { meal:beans, Image:pexels.com Health :true ingredient1:onions, ingredient2:potatoes, ingredient3:beans, } How do you loop through to console.log all your ingredients, assuming your object has 25 ingredients
4 Answers
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for ( var key in myJSON){
if ( key.indexOf("ingredient") == 0){
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The for...in loop is intended for iterating over the enumerable keys of an object.
That's how it moves to the next object key. This iterates over ALL enumerable keys but we only want to log the "ingredients".
indexOf is a string method that returns the index where a given string is located in the string that called the method. -1 is returned when the substring is not found.
"abcdef".indexOf ("b") == 1; //true
"abcdef".indexOf ("bcdef") == 1; //true
"abcdef".indexOf ("fgh") == -1; //true
The if statement could be read this way:
if (the key has "ingredient" as a substring [from index 0] )
Then console.log(myJSON [key] ) to get the value.
if (the key starts with "ingredient")
Then log the value.
In ES6 and above the if statement is easier to write and read :
console.log(myJSON [key])
John Bryan You are very welcome.
+ 1
Got it
Thanks Kevin Star
This worked
But could you please explain the if statement
Isn't the 0 supposed to increment(++) or how does it move to the next ingredient