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How to find duplicates in a table?
6 Answers
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select column from table
group by column
having count(*)>1
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CREATE TABLE <sample table>;
ALTER TABLE <sample table> ADD (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM <table>);
WHERE (SELECT * FROM <sample table>);
Back up the unique entries into another table and delete them from the old one. What you'll have left is the duplicates. Test this on a dummy table first as I can't in this moment.
question was to find the duplicates not remove them
select * from dept where rowid not in (select max(rowid) from dept group by deptno,dname,loc);
the above will show you all duplicate excluding unique in oracle database Scott schema table dept
Select count(column) from table group by column
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@Manish didn't quite get you.. what was the question?
To remove duplicates you should be using DISTINCT