+ 13

Could I ask you?

Hello I want to ask about something I am studying at university in my second year I have simple experience in WPF C # html css js I want to be a web developer but am confused about my choice for back-end So please help And thank you

28th May 2020, 10:56 PM
Muhammad Nawlo
Muhammad Nawlo - avatar
31 Answers
+ 18
Muhammad Nawlo I referred someone to this minutes ago... you should be fine using c# or java or some others that are listed as a fullstack developer... https://www.w3schools.com/whatis/whatis_fullstack.asp Hope this helps and happy coding
28th May 2020, 11:01 PM
BroFar - avatar
+ 10
[NOTE: I will leave this post up for a few days and remove once everyone who followed this thread has had a chance to see this response. I'll likely remove this post later this week.] ---- Muhammad Nawlo As requested, I've removed a number of the back and forth posts that did not directly provide some answer to your question. The original posts have been saved and I can share that later upon request via DM. I did leave the posts between Kushang Shah, Mike, and myself as I believe it was a healthy discussion and wanted to leave each person's points in place... for the most part. I did remove the second half of Mike's response to Kushang as I thought it distracted from the primary point he was trying to make. I appreciate Kushang for contributing and sharing his personal experience. There's absolutely nothing wrong with disagreement as long as it stays on topic. I also want to clarify my use of the reference to "propagating the spread of misinformation" in my response to Kushang. I was speaking to a much broader issue with misinformation on the internet that has created a lot of confusion for many people still finding their way in this field. I was not trying to discredit anyone with that statement hope people see that. That said, I'm happy to remove or edit my 2 part response to Kushang if either you or Kushang believe these responses create more distraction than value to the discussion. Feel free to DM me if you would not like to post to this thread. At this point, if anyone would like to express concern or disagreement for my edits in this post, please contact me via DM. I'm happy to discuss.
1st Jun 2020, 2:18 AM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 9
[Part 1 of 3] Muhammad Nawlo My response will be based on my personal experience. If you're interested in knowing what that is, check out my profile. If I were in your shoes, knowing what I know now, I would focus on any or all of the following 3 options: ------- Option 1: RESTful Services with SPA web clients. ------- Learn how to build RESTful services using either ASP.NET MVC WebAPI or NodeJS. I'm proficient in both and prefer ASP.NET using C#. This will allow you to build your frontend web client application in a separate SPA project that's solely HTML / CSS / Javascript. SPA is an acronym for Single Page Application. My personal preference is ReactJS. However, you can explore alternatives like Angular and VueJS to name two other popular options.
29th May 2020, 10:26 PM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 9
[Part 2 of 3] ------- Option 2 of 3: ASP.NET MVC + C# + Razor (.NET Core) ------- While I no longer do server side MVC web development, I have worked across the board with many different MV(*) frameworks in many different languages and hands down, my favorite is ASP.NET MVC + C# + Razor view templating. The combination of these 3 things is a joy to work with. While you will need to learn each of these individually, you can still get by with some basic implementations and expand your knowledge as needed each step of the way. ------- Option 3 or 3: Ruby on Rails ------- If you enjoy working with code that seems like magic and prefer faster development over app performance, I have to say Rails is a lot of fun to work with and it's my favorite for doing strict TDD web development. In many ways, I believe ASP.NET MVC took a lot of inspiration from Rails. However, the ASP.NET flavor of this is far more performant and not as magical. 😉
29th May 2020, 10:26 PM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 9
[Part 3 of 3] If you're concerned about demand or whether or not these are used today, do some research using the following links: - https://www.similartech.com/categories/framework - https://trends.builtwith.com/framework/traffic/Entire-Internet NOTE: The massive number of WordPress installations is the reason PHP is so dominant here. I believe the chart would look very different if WordPress was removed from these stats. It would be amazing if we could isolate which platforms are used most based on custom / new development efforts rather than installing CMS packages. Anyway, you can't go wrong with any of these 3 options presented. Muhammad Nawlo I hope this information makes sense and is helpful.
29th May 2020, 10:32 PM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 6
Kushang Shah [Part 1 of 2] I think it's great you're trying to help. The problem is many people are propagating the spread of misinformation from popular websites that are either being cited out of context or misinterpreted or are just flat out wrong. Some of this information might also be based on what you've experienced as a freelancer and it might also be limited to your part of the world. I can tell you definitively that C# is trending stronger than ever in the enterprise level and across the board with mobile multiplatform development, game development, microservices, web development, RESTful Webservices development, etc. You might not be plugged into this ecosystem to know just how massively strong it really is. This trend is increasing even moreso due Microsofts aggressive push to open source everything with their development ecosystem and the aggressive push for multiple platform OS support via .NET Core. The massive usage of PHP has more to do with the installation of many open source CMS installations built in PHP than it does in custom development projects. The single greatest contributor to this is WordPress. However, these certainly do not reflect the demand for what companies are looking for in hiring software engineers. Those high traffic websites listed are using languages across the board throughout their organization. While Netflix might use Python for much of their automation tasks and machine learning scripts, that hardly qualifies as them building their streaming service on Python. Instagram and Dropbox certainly did take a gamble on Python. Dropbox even hired the BDFL Guido himself for a while. However, Python has many problems with larger projects and I speculate these companies are struggling with this decision.
30th May 2020, 9:27 PM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 6
Phew! Can I just humbly say that all I've learned in this thread is that I am swimming in deeper waters than I had even realized! I don't recognize but a small fraction of the references used here and where I had started from a perspective of confusion, have only learned that there is even more to learn and understand than what I had anticipated! It is hard for me to conceptualize a time where I might actually be able to participate or contribute to such a discussion as the likes of this in a meaningful way, but hope that it will happen. The work I am left with here is to wrestle with whether I have bitten off more than I can chew for the long term in this particular field. I commend you all for the depth of your passion, commitment and resulting knowledge!
1st Jun 2020, 4:53 AM
Craig Roberts
Craig Roberts - avatar
+ 5
Node.js with Express and EJS for web development with ReactNative for cross-platform mobile app development, and now even web applications. and with Electron for cross platform desktop app development. By the way, please don't mind me exercising my moderator duty in giving you following warning: 1. You shouldn't use ambiguous question title such as "Could I ask you?". This prevents the question be searchable and reduces the usefulness of this question's existence in Q&A. Questions title should be specific 2. You should use relevant tag. In this case, "backend" and "tech-stack" would be more relevant than "website". 3. You shouldn't ask Opinion-based question in Q&A. This Q&A forum is for specific programming questions or questions related to SoloLearn (platform, usage and so on) https://www.sololearn.com/Discuss/1316935/?ref=app These types of questions can be posted at personal feed. Usually these types of questions will be marked for deletion under classification Open-ended.
30th May 2020, 2:01 PM
Gordon - avatar
+ 5
Kunle Odunuga whoa... C# and Java outdated? I'm calling you out on that one. It's good to find what you like using, but C# and Java are not outdated.
30th May 2020, 5:31 PM
Mike - avatar
+ 5
@Kushang Shah [Part 2 of 2] While I personally think Java should be replaced by Kotlin and just go away forever, it won't because it's just too massively engrained in systems everywhere. It's sort of like COBOL. 😂 I'm not trying to "debate" you or make this about proving you wrong. Like @Mike and @coffeeunderrun, we're trying to give you another reference to base your understanding on. We're speaking from real world experience as seasoned professional software engineers. A lot of misinformation is plaguing the internet from misleading articles that reference TIOBE Index as some reliable indicator for trending languages in the work place. But, these are just indicators of what people are searching. This doesn't reflect the fact that professional developers are searching less than students who are learning Python and PHP and whatever is being indexed. Then you have really bad websites like geekforgeeks.org who are just publishing horrifically inaccurate information but manage to be listed first on many Google searches. They are likely most responsible for distorting reality. Medium has some great articles for the most part. But, man... they also have some that were obviously written by some student who based everything off of the bad information in the internet. While there isn't a perfect indicator of what's most used, the following two websites at least present data based on scanning actual websites that have been deployed. - https://www.similartech.com/categories/framework - https://trends.builtwith.com/framework/traffic/Entire-Internet *NOTE: PHP is massively huge due to WordPress installation. I hope this helps open your eyes to the push back you've seen. This isn't about ego or pride or something we Googled. This isn't an emotional thing either. I'm just approaching this with facts that you may not be aware of. We're bringing it to you straight from the frontlines as highly experienced software engineers. I hope this explanation helps.
30th May 2020, 9:27 PM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 5
Muhammad Nawlo I just came across this link from another post in SoloLearn and thought you and others here might find it interesting as it covers the programming languages used for SpaceX. https://www.sololearn.com/post/427333/ Reddit Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1853ap/we_are_spacex_software_engineers_we_launch/ NOTE: This isn't necessarily a reflection or validation of some languages being more popular than others. Rather, I thought it was relevant to share here as it speaks to a variety of languages used throughout various parts of their systems. Using a mix of languages like this is quite common in my own enterprise development experiences.
2nd Jun 2020, 2:01 PM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 4
Thank all of you☺️☺️
29th May 2020, 8:48 AM
Muhammad Nawlo
Muhammad Nawlo - avatar
+ 4
David you can remove messages and I have seen your three options And thanks all
31st May 2020, 10:45 PM
Muhammad Nawlo
Muhammad Nawlo - avatar
+ 4
David Carroll you're most welcome to edit responses any way you wish to clean up and keep on topic. I know I sometimes aggressively try to shut things down. This is why you're a mod and I'm not lol... thanks for keeping things professional.
1st Jun 2020, 2:28 AM
Mike - avatar
+ 4
David Carroll distraction was the main reason why I stopped discussion. I will never argue if you edit or remove these responses. Because it is for the betterment of all Sololearners. Thank you for asking.
1st Jun 2020, 3:49 AM
Kushang Shah
Kushang Shah - avatar
+ 3
Muhammad Nawlo As coffeeunderrun states Asp.net is very easy, yeah I'm also beginner in asp.net and c#, surely i will suggest you to go with Asp.net there is a lot of amazing stuffs in that as my opinion it's less time consuming than other frameworks, and c# is 4th top most programming language as Google trends, asp.net c# is best platform you can begin with this Some of references Stated on February 2020 https://radixweb.com/blog/8-reasons-asp-dot-net-core-is-best-framework Some other references https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/future-of-dot-net/ https://www.hiddenbrains.com/blog/why-to-choose-asp-net-technology-for-web-application-development.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.clariontech.com/blog/top-5-features-that-make-asp.net-technology-your-ultimate-choice-for-web-application-development%3fhs_amp=true https://theonetechnologies.com/blog/post/microsoft-net-core-and-web-trends-to-dominate-in-2020
29th May 2020, 3:04 AM
Gouse Basha
Gouse Basha - avatar
+ 3
David Carroll don't forget about our new friend, Blazor 😉
29th May 2020, 10:33 PM
Mike - avatar
+ 3
Great thanks for your explanation
29th May 2020, 10:52 PM
Muhammad Nawlo
Muhammad Nawlo - avatar
+ 2
Muhammad Nawlo If you want to be a web developer, plz visit this website. https://blog.stoneriverelearning.com/top-10-programming-languages-used-in-web-development/ I hope you will useful .
29th May 2020, 11:15 AM
Amberk Jillian
Amberk Jillian - avatar