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Given a list of people’s heights in metres. Write a function that returns the average height and the total height
Need help in this question
9 Answers
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var height= listOf(45.7,36.5,18.9,34.1,96.9,79.1)
var (avg,totalheight) = averageAndHeight(height)
println("Average Height: $avg .. totalSumHeights : $totalheight")
data class AverageMeasurements(var height: Double, var totalheight: Double)
fun averageAndHeight(height: Collection<Double>): AverageMeasurements {
var avg=height.average()
var totalheight=height.sum()
return AverageMeasurements(avg, totalheight)
+ 2
I do not know much kotlin but this seems to be one easy way.
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Thanks alot
+ 2
But you have forget to return?
+ 1
Pls, show your solution to get help.
+ 1
Hello Irine Nabwire
Please show us your attempt or describe where you have problems.
Is there another way to tackle this question,I have tried but is not working
Your code seems to work. I am not sure if I understand you. Do you want a different solution?