+ 117
Some grammar issue in a course
This statement is not a sentence: "A good choice of a feature to split on results in each side of the split being pure." I couldn't provide the link but you may refer it to: Machine Learning -> Decision Tree Model -> How to Build a Decision Tree -> What makes a Good Split
8 Answers
+ 66
bell Yes, being err is normal :) However, correcting something needs a very hard effort.
Note: I am still trying to edit the above statement :D
Muchas gracias :)
+ 64
Kuba Siekierzyński Thanks for your respond. But, I think it's still confusing (for non native speakers like me).
I assume the author intended to say like the following:
"A good choice of a feature IS to split on the results in each side of the split THAT IS being pure."
However, this statement's still too long.
+ 61
bell Not only in Machine Learning but also other subjects, e.g., Data Science, contain some grammatical errors.
Some other references (outside the SoloLearn) also have a similar condition. It makes additional difficulties for some new learners.
+ 8
It is okay, but missing a comma probably. It should be read as:
"A good choice of a feature to split on, results in each side of the split being pure."
+ 2
The machine learning course contains lots of errors: typos, incomplete or repeated sentences, two incompatible definitions of the ROC curve in the same page.
They are in the comments and it should not be difficult correcting them. A pity that it is not happening yet.
+ 2
Aji ꦄꦗꦶ to err is human :-) My point is that the errors are being curated by the community, and correcting them should be very easy
+ 2
It's not a big deal of a blunder, and everybody is not perfect even robots
You can follow these simple steps to Basic English Grammar-
1-Part of Speech
2- Noun
3- Pronoun
4- Verb
5- Adjectives
6- Adverbs
7- Prepositions
8- Conjunctions
9- Interjections
10- The English Tense System
11- Articles
12- Determiners
13- Reported Speech
14. Quantifiers
15- Passive Voice
16- The Sentence
17- Punctuation's
1- Improve English Speaking - https://rb.gy/v2ikzy
2- Learn English Tenses - https://rb.gy/wmam0y
3- Speak English Fluently - https://rb.gy/tgqccy
4- English Conversation - https://rb.gy/7radi7
5- Basic English Grammar - https://rb.gy/1p4l3c
6- Blood Test Results Explained - https://rb.gy/iraafx