+ 10
Where can I see how many days in a row I visited Sololearn?
Today is exactly 365 days since I go to Sololearn every day without missing a single day. Tell me, please: where can I see the number of visited days in a row in Sololearn?
9 Answers
+ 10
I wrote technical support through the Feedback option in the Sololearn menu (three bars in the upper left). No one answered me, but the number of days I visited appeared on the profile page:
+ 8
Grandizer Thanks, but I did not find this information in the feed. How far does it need to scroll?
Screenshot 1: https://ibb.co/nCks3Qm
Screenshot 2: https://ibb.co/xYkD1gk
+ 6
Grandizer I studied the entire profile page, did not find information about the days visited in a row, and created this topic on Q&A.
After your first tip, I even took a screenshot to show that this information is not on the profile page.
I would be grateful if you tell me which option I should touch. I, unfortunately, still can not understand your answer. I tried to touch all the possible inscriptions on the profile page, but the information about the posted days is not displayed.
Of course, I touched the inscription "Your goal" and saw this: https://ibb.co/d0NtKPb
+ 6
Clear. At Sololearn the counter displays statistics only up to 30 days. Thanks for trying to help.
+ 3
From the feed
Scroll down in it
+ 2
Computer Engineer
Idk if it happens only with you
But it's like this for me
current streak is the days
Computer Engineer
You see the daily goals
The steak is always just beside it
No problem
Usually all your activities in SoloLearn are accessible when you click on your profile photo.Thats how I check my progress ie my badges,completed courses,xp's etc.