+ 2
Witch one of language is good for work??
c - c++ - delphy ' android ??..
7 Answers
+ 7
What work exactly, as it all depends on the purpose?
+ 2
Hi,dear friend...
It is better to start from c and then c++ language...
They are the most advantageous programming languages(for computer programming)
Note that if the time matters,they can not answer your needs...😊
+ 1
i think its depend your needs
+ 1
my purpose is app for Android , Ios , Windows and web
+ 1
سلام دوست من ، اقا ایمان شمایید؟
+ 1
بله دوست من
اقا من چطور میتونم نوتیفکیشن یک پست خاموش کنم؟ 😎
تو یه پست نظر دادم تا حالا برام 40 تا نوتیف اومده !!