+ 1
Can someone help me in JavaScript i finding it harf to understand
3 Answers
+ 3
Hey. If you have any questions about a certain topic, feel free to ask in the q&a. Pay attenyion to the JS lessons, and try checking the comments in the lesson too. The comments are helpful.
+ 2
1.Learn the basic concepts properly.
2. Learn how to practically apply those concepts.
3. When you start learning some new concepts just revise the old one before learning the new one.
4. If you got any doubt just ask here.
+ 1
Hi Edith Chebet Tum ,
If you learned JavaScript from sololearn only, maybe this is not enough detailed.
Try to find some tutos/crash courses about js from YouTube from some teacher you're comfortable with.
(For exemple you can learn from these people: Steve Griffith, Traversy media, learnwebcode, Techsith, programming with mosh, edureka...look through their playlists).
Sometimes what you don't understand with one, you'll understand with another.
Also plateform like freecodecamp or Codecademy propose js courses from the very beginning associated with practice exercise all along.
You can enroll for free.
Happy learning and good luck.đ