Is this book good for learning algorithms in today's context- "The Art of Programming by DE Knuth
4 Answers
+ 3
Aakash Malik Here is an in depth review that might help you decide:
+ 1
Yes, but I wouldn’t read the book if I were just starting learning about algorithms.
It is a heavy read, and very -mathematically- thorough. If you just want to learn about algos and start implementing them right away, there are better books out there.
The book is also written in MMIX (assembly language) so that’s something you want to consider too.
+ 1
Aakash Malik
I recommend Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas Cormen.
Although I personally find reading books is ineffective, it is better to just solve problems right away and just learn what you need.
Like I said, MMIX is an assembly language. If you have no problem reading assembly languages, then more power to you. :-)
Thanks for the reply.
I got your point that it is a bit advanced book. I won't start with it. But later on , for building rocksolid grip on algorithm concepts, I was considering it.
Also I am pretty comfortable with mathematics.
But can you tell me what's the problem with MIX.?
Also if you can , please suggest other books/online resources for now.