+ 6
When we change the prefix increment(++i) to the postfix increment(i++) it outputs 60 instead of 12. Why ?
https://code.sololearn.com/cXkauFN9t8T1/?ref=app Prefix:- int f=1,i=2; while(++i<5){ f*=i; } cout<<f<<"\n"; Output = 12 Postfix:- int f=1,i=2; while(i++<5){ f*=i; } cout<<f<<"\n"; Output = 60 Why ?
5 Answers
+ 7
Step 1:-
while(2++<5){ //postfix,2 is less than 5
f=1*3 //2++ =2+1 =3
Step 2:-
while(3++<5){ //true
Step 3:-
while(4++<5){ //true
So, f = 60
+ 6
But how 60 ?
+ 6
Da2 Thanks
+ 3
Postfix computes before evaluation, prefix after evaluating
+ 3
The loop gets one extra cycle 12*5 is 60