+ 2
Installing and running C#
I have a old windows 7 pc, 32bit architecture, i could not download latest versions of Visual Studio (free). And i need to learn C#. Does anyone have any idea, how achieve my target. I have vb6.0 installed on my pc.
11 Answers
+ 4
Do you have uTorrent? You can get a vs from there. It doesn't have to be the latest, if it is after 2008, then it should be good.
+ 2
Yes, Nayan Agarwal it is Microsoft‘s editor and complies the code similar to Visual Studio. That makes everything. It is modern and newly developed. You can fit it in. Used from beginner to professional. Supports many languages... You can see some tutorials in youtube. Try it and you will see.
+ 2
Ja Play i used vs code, first of all debugger isn't available for my machine, as what vs code tells. As per online tutorial i used terminal
{dotnet new console
dotnet restore
dotnet run}
to get my first c# program run. Now see when we are at learning stage we write several small programs to achieve our tasks. By using the above method i have to create several projects and then edit each "program.cs" file as my requirement, this is troubling me too much.
+ 1
You could use Visual Studio Code. Smaller and very good.
+ 1
Ja Play does it complies the code also. Or just works like notepad++.
+ 1
Use Visual Studio 2019 Community version
It's VS2019 is free to use, why compromise for lower version?
And please don't use utorrent to download and install any Visual Studio, it's pirated, might come with viruses too.
+ 1
Calviղ Thanks for Replying. VS is not supported for win7.
Nayan Agarwal That's understandable. For C# it's too much trouble at the moment. For JavaScript etc. what I use it for is really good, if not the best.
try running
visual studio 2017
or visual studio 2015
It is still visual studio, you can learn c# with it.
Less requirements, just not the latest version
Nayan Agarwal hope this could help https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/support/version-windows-not-supported-youre-running-windows-7-try-installing-service-pack-1/