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Can you help debug my passwork checker?

Hello, am new to coding python. I created a password checker that allows the user to type an 8-word password that needs a capital letter, numbers, and special symbols. It began working and I edited the code errors began to occur. Any help would be appreciated. print("At least one upper case letter") print("At least one lower case letter") print("At least one numeric digit") print("At least one special symbol") print("Example of a good password: Sololearn2020!") print("..............................................") def vaild (): while True: password = input("Input your password ") if (len(password)<8): print ("You need to type in a longer password") print ("Weak Passwoed") elif password.isdigit(): print("your password must have at least one number") elif not re.search("[$#@!$%)(*]",password): print ("You need at least one special symbol") elif password.isupper(): print ("weak password") if password.isupper and password.isdigit(): print ("You need at least one capital letter ") print ("Medium Password") else: print:("vaild password") break def repeat (valid): print ("Type Y if you would like to try again? y/n") result = input() if (result == 'y'): valid() else: print ("Goodbye")

3rd Jul 2020, 6:24 PM
Aaaawaw1010 - avatar
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