command line aregumente
hi guys, for argv I saw it once declared as int main(int argc, char** argv) and once int main(int argc, char *argv[ ]) how could that be ?once as Pointer of Pointer and once Pointer to array ? any why its declared as char while it takes string values ?
3 Answers
+ 1
** works very similar to *[] as an [] is just a pointer to the beginning if the array.....
moreover char[] ord char* is the equivalent of a string, as it is a row of letters-> word
+ 1
char* example is a pointer to an character. so example store the adress of one character. If you know that this adress is the start of a string you can just access the string:
For example:
character adress
q 738
e 739
g 740
r 741
If the stored string is „eg“
than char* example points on e and store therefore the adress 739, but you can still acces g as you just have to increase a by one (as g is stored at 740)
aha..ok nice ..thnx..but a string is an array of chars together...but here every Element is declared as char but you can put string in every Element instead of that char