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How this second statement works
s="Rooose" v={i for i in s} print(len(v))
5 Answers
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#it could also be done like this:
We use set() to convert 'Rooose' to a set, that only can hold unique characters. Then the length of this set is printed.
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v={i for i in s}
#Here s has stored Rooose in i takes one by one value in s and converted in str each letter & make set of value in output= {"R","o","s","e"}
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v={i for i in s} is set comprehenaion. Set stores only the unique values, so created set has following values,
{'R', 'o', 's', 'e'}
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You can undetstand it if you read the statement as follows:
you take each i from the for loop, which iterates over all items in s. The all items are then closed with {}, which build up a set of them.
Thank you everyone