+ 6
How to stop element inside a functional component from bubbling up to the body element? [Solved]
In the following code if you click on body the element disappears but I want that if I click on element , particularly those 3 dots it shudn't disappear and I tried using e.stopPropagation() but it doesn't work for some reason that I don't understand https://code.sololearn.com/WP99GA8yDcg5/?ref=app
5 Answers
You can see what element was clicked on with e.target. using e.target.id you can identify then handle what functions you want to run accordingly.
JME it prints nothing
It will print nothing if the element has no id
JME oh yea ,thks I thought id meant something else!! And it definitely targets that element on click as I have looked out and even styled the dots but stopPropagation() doesn't works just