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Why the c Language is named as c??
12 Answers
+ 17
U can use Google for that type of questions
+ 4
The creators want that everyone "see" his language. So he named it "C".
+ 4
To my recollection Dennis Ritchie was working on the Multics operating system and also BCPL primarily to write compilers, then wrote B. Multics and B where then scrapped for Unix and C, C primarily then used to write Unix itself as well as all the utilities that came along with it
+ 2
C is about the tone C. There had already been B. (Like the others said) When C++ was released, it was because the creator wanted to say it is C, but oncreased, because of the C++, although these both languages are quite different. C# is because in music, the # at the end means, that the tone is raised by one step. Same princip as with the ++. Nowadays, there 7s also F.
+ 2
Before C there was a language called B. And after C came the increment of C that is C++.
+ 1
Thanks ☺️
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Thanks 😊
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There was a language before c named b and c was developed at AT&T's bell
Laboratories in USA in 1972.it was written by Denish Ritchie
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Because a and b and c , so it's name is C.
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C came out of Ken Thompson's Unix project at AT&T. He originally wrote Unix in assembly language. He wrote a language in assembly called B that ran on Unix, and was a subset of an existing language called BCPL. Dennis Ritchie joined Thompson's project, extended the B language into what they called C, and subsequently Unix was largely rewritten in C.