What is wrong?
function dpad(){ var a = document.createElement("input"); a.type = "number"; document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(a); a.click(); } window.onload = dpad; EDIT: EVERYTHING WORKS BUT I NEED TO FORCE A CLICK TO THE INPUT
17 Answers
+ 2
Check this:
you need either:
a.setAttribute("onclick", "action()"); // set the attribute
a.addEventListener("click", action); // create an event listener
before simulating a click.
perhaps what u want to do is focus();
a.focus(); // It'll go to the input box ready for u to type the number
try focus instead of a.click(); and check the result.
I'm a newbie too, so pardon me if I can't explain correctly.
+ 2
It shows a number input as I run the code. Actually, I don't get what you mean by "make a number dpad"; are you talking about dial pad? like phone number? in that case, I guess you need an input with "tel" as 'type' attribute.
+ 1
The pad pops up when u use tablet smartphone, in PC no need cuz u have the keyboard.
+ 1
Not sure what your intention is here, but dpad is a function and needs to be called as such. At the moment, you are simply assigning it to window.onload, but its not being invoked.
What is the problem? What were you expecting from that code, provide more info please ...
U want a number pad like a calculator?
Jorat Nope.
I give up i tried my best hahahaha
I tried to search how to force keyboard popup on mobile, but couldn't find a viable solution, unfortunately.
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Ipang it does nothing. It is suppost to make a number dpad.
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Jorat it still does not work.
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I guess my device just doesn't support it.
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I want the number pad from type=number, but i can not get it to automatically pop up.
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Abdurrahim That has nothing to do with it
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PROGRAMMA No that part works i need to force the dpad to pop up.
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Aaron Gillies i need to use the function name because if i use the () identifier it thinks i want it to run what dpad returns and therefor runs the code before the window loads.
Sorry for the realllly late reply