Why is the media query not working or what is wrong here?
2 Answers
+ 1
Sameer Crestha
There are typos in your CSS code:
Line 46: you missed a semicolon
Line 63: 'a1 a2 a 3 aside'
There was an extra space before no 3.
Line 40, Line 67:
You can't add something like that in CSS.
Incorrect way:
padding: 5px+4vh; ❌
Correct way: Use calc() to compute those
padding: calc(5px + 4vh); ✔️
I don't know why
is not working
but when I changed the condition to
@media(max-width: *some* )
@media(min-width: *some* ),
it was working.
+ 1
Sameer Crestha
I edited your code
See this: