c# insensitive to capital letters by console
Hello, Can anybody tell me, please, how can I do to make c# insensitive to captital letters when introducing a string by console?? For example: cw-Do you want ...., yes or not? cr- yes OR YES OR Yes OR yES...
2 Answers
+ 3
Four ways to upper- or lowercase a C# string
When we uppercase a string, its characters are converted into capital letters. And when we lowercase, those characters are turned into regular letters.
Of course that only affects characters that have a cased alternative. Most writing systems, like the Latin and Cyrillic alphabets, have a cased version for every word character. But non-word characters (such as 1, !, and ;) remain the same when we change a string's case.
C# has four string methods that change a string's entire casing:
ToUpper()Â uppercases a string with casing rules from a specific culture.
ToUpperInvariant()Â uppercases a string in a culture-insensitive way.
ToLower()Â lowercases a string with casing rules from some culture.
ToLowerInvariant()Â lowercases a string independent of a specific culture.
For more see:https://kodify.net/csharp/strings/uppercase-lowercase/
+ 1
For case insensitive comparison use String.Compare() function with 3rd argument set to true.
Read the docs
string yes ="yes";
string yEs ="yEs";