I wanna boost typing how
14 Answers
+ 1
Thanks guys for your help
+ 8
Joseph Awuah Baffour don't do spam on discussion box . Ask only Programming related doubts.
Typing need practice if you do more and more your typing need will increase .
For this question 2*5 u need to learn basic arithmetic operation . You can read 1st standard mathematics books hope you can find solution.
+ 2
Typing in keyboard?Just put your ten fingers in the middle of the keyboard from q to ;/m and try to move each finger to type what you want without looking in the button but on the screen.You have to memorize each button.look always on the screen when you type and move your finger from its current position to type more characters.
+ 2
we can try typing games or practice typing online .. i suggest keybr.com
+ 2
Do a web search. There should be a few sites to help you.
+ 2
There is a very cool site called 10fast fingers you can practice there and check yourself.Also use ctrl backspace to delete entire words and try to type with all the fingers...
+ 1
Don't understand the ctrl thing
+ 1
No problem
+ 1
What ????Joseph Awuah Baffour
Brain teaser, how will you prove that 2*5=5 and not 10
Thanks so much for your help
How is sckit learn related to machine learning
- 1
How will you prove that 2*5 is 5