+ 6
Nice practice.
Instead of using getComputedStyle, you could simplify by using a JavaScript variable to store the position of red rectangle and orange rectangle.
There are two ways of collision testing, distance approach versus edge approach, as your items are rectangular, you can check four conditions:
left edge of red compared with right edge of orange
right edge of red compared with left edge of orange
top edge of red compared with bottom edge of orange
bottom edge of red compared with top edge of orange
you can also use corner position to check collision.
Explaining Rectangular Collision Testing Visually:
If the above does not help, here is
my video tutorial about collision testing:
The video is based on a code of another sololearner who asked for help last time. But the mathematics are the same.
+ 3
Use the formula given in this link
+ 1
You know the vertices of the two rectangles.
From that you can find out their sides and their co-ordinates.
And just apply this formula on each side