+ 28
[ Solved ] Could someone that use SoloLearn Pro Free Trial Version solve code coach Pro Version and get the XPs?
When using SoloLearn Pro Version in Free Trial, e.g. after getting the SoloLearn Back to School badge, could someone get the XPs from the code coach which can only access by Pro Version player? I've been searching for the search bar but I couldn't find anything abt this question... ๐ฅ So anyone? Pls help me ๐ค๐ค I'm appreciate for your help. ๐๐
14 Answers
+ 17
If you take 3 day trial you can solve code coach pro problems.
You can also get solution guru badge before expiring your trial.
+ 24
Oh ya M Tamim SoloLearn Back To School badge will gives us opportunity of becoming a pro member in SoloLearn for 30 days after having 15 days learning streak in the app of SoloLearn Learn Part. Hope this helpful! Programming is fun! ๐ค๐
+ 20
I hope this Q&A forum is helpful to every SoloLearner. Let me share this to my friends in SoloLearn. ๐ค๐ค
Mฬทoฬทuฬทlฬทiฬท ๐ฎ๐ณ Aad Hoogenboom Aditya Aji ๊ฆ๊ฆ๊ฆถ Xtron135 Sanjay Kamath Rishan [da_coder, active] Vitya Dark Light CodeWarrior ๐ฎ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
+ 19
Ok thank you for you guys help Md Sayed ๐ง๐ฉ๐ง๐ฉ M Tamim and everyone who supports and like my question. My question is now solved. Thank you everyone. ๐๐๐ค๐
+ 18
Md Sayed ๐ง๐ฉ๐ง๐ฉ even when it's free trial version?
+ 18
Md Sayed ๐ง๐ฉ๐ง๐ฉ Will we have our XPs forever even the trial is ending?
+ 17
Md Sayed ๐ง๐ฉ๐ง๐ฉ so could we get the XPs if we solve the code coach Pro problems successfully?
+ 12
Yes you can get 5k xp for solution guru badge and also for solving problem.
+ 12
Wow congrats Trust Akalonu but how can u get the badge?
+ 11
Yes bro.
+ 10
He meant "solution guru" badge not "guru" badge Trust Akalonu
+ 9
well, Back to School gives pro free for 15 days (as far I can remember). So, YES!!
+ 7
It didn't work during my time
+ 4
I have guru badge without pro version