+ 2
Javascript very difficult question.
This is an example. I want to execute my function only one time after 3s of mouseover and scroll event. But it is executing continuously. Is it possible? window.addEventListener("mouseover", myFunction); window.addEventListener("scroll", myFunction); setTimeout (3000, myFunction) ; myFunction () { do something }
4 Answers
+ 2
Make a
var t = setInterval(myFunction, 3000);
In myfunction, make a clearInterval
+ 1
Divya Mohan of course, it is used in most cases
I think
Because your mouser curser must be on your window everytime.
Mouserover event is generally used for elements not for window.
It may repeat many time that something bcz it consider every px of scroll as new scroll.
I have tried the 2nd one with console.log("hello world")
and repeated several time .
So above one can be possible reason.