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Can python be used to program a Web page instead of javascript?
Instead of using javascript for programming the Web page instead of using javascript.
7 Answers
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So from what I get from the links, there are several ways to use python instead of JavaScript in the web browser.
However, most of the tools available serves as interpreter or compiler for JavaScript or web assembly. The few independent of JavaScript are also more of having python interpreter loaded with the web pages.
In the nutshell, most of these pages will be slower and more resource consuming than ordinary pages utilizing only JavaScript.
Personally, I think they may be okay for simple scripts running in the browser. I also think some of these tools should be packaged as addons that could be added once to each browser to reduce page sizes and make the python interpreters run more native in the browsers.
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Yes! With using django!
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Yes, there are several variants, one of which is called Brython. There is also, Skulpt, PyJS, Pyodide, and several others
+ 1
george django
Maria Vasilyova thanks for correctness
surely django only django