Why not a Lazarus Freepascal course
Thanks for your courses. I finished my eleventh course now and I feel good about it, I have a suggestion. Delphi embarcadero is so expensive so many people can't afford it but there is Lazarus and Freepascal that has been around for some decades now and they are free to use and free to create commercial apps. This should be a great oportonitue for your great sololearn site. Lazarus freepascal covers many OPs like Windows 10/Linux Mac and so on. I use Lazarus and freepascal myself as the basic Programming langauge to count a huge amount of gamestatistic thow pascal is very fast to count lot of data that only C/C++ can do. Also Pascal is easy to learn. Here's is a link to there website: https://www.lazarus-ide.org/ Best regards Robert William Blennerhed, Lazarus/FreePascal developer Sweden