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What programming languages I should learn to build this?
I recently saw many projects done with Raspberry Pi and Arduino. Especially Magic Mirror with Alexa/Google Assistant. But to build my own MM, buying hardware is not a matter. They install some modules into that. Few modules only avail website in default by developers. Some third party modules also there. If I want create own module, what languages I should learn? And which level of them, like beginner or intermediate or expert in each language. I have seen module files have extensions with .js, .css. Any ideas
3 Answers
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Raspberry Pi Foundation recommends Python as a language for learners . The Pi in Raspberry Pi even comes from the Python programming language; the very idea of programming is reflected into the name of device.
Any language that will compile for ARMv6 can be used with the Raspberry Pi, though; you are not limited to using Python.
A considerable number of programming languages have been adapted for the Raspberry Pi, either by the creator of the language or by users of the language who wanted to see their language of choice available on the Raspberry Pi.
Python, C, C++, Scratch all come installed by default on the Raspberry Pi. The people from Raspberry Pi recommend Scratch for younger kids.
Other languages that can be used are:
- Ruby
- Javascript and JQuery
- Perl
- Erlang
Source : https://www.quora.com/Which-programming-languages-shall-I-use-for-Raspberry-Pi
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Jan Markus you are right, java have to be installed and doesn't come by default (I have updated the ans now)😅