+ 4
How can you determine the colours in hexadecimal
Determining colour from 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F
5 Answers
+ 6
Use a color picker
It’s very helpful:
+ 5
In hexadecimal, F is the greatest, 0 is the smallest, so
red green blue
# FF 00 00
color would be red
# 00 FF 00
# 00 00 FF
In hexadecimal, you go from 0 to 9 then A to F. #000000 is black as all are zeroes and zero is the lowest, #FFFFFF means white.
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Mohamed Shuaib Fornah
It's not selecting from 0 to f, it's about writing it in their range, as we have Very wide range of colors,for example #ffffff is white
#000000 is black and so on..
Hope this helped :)
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Colors in computers are made up of a combination of Red, green and blue colors (RGB)
Hex format can be in either 3 #ABC or 6 #AABBCC
In the 3 line format, the first character after # which is "A" corresponds to the amount of Red in the color, "B" to the amount of Green and "C" to the amount of Blue in the color
The same goes for the 6 line format expect that that format gives us more control over the amount of Red, green or blue in the color since we have more digits to use
+ 4
If you want to test it out
Try out
#F00 //red
#0F0 //green
#00F //blue
The size of the number determines the strength / amount of each color used!
By the way hexadecimal is simply 0-15 where 10=A, 11=B, 12=C, 13=D, 14=E, 15=F