+ 2
Fill the results for the following statements.
Q1: word = 'a'+ 'b' print (word) #Output: Q2: print( +word*3 + !) # Output:
8 Answers
+ 7
word = 'a'+ 'b'
print(word*3 +'!')
+ 5
Your 1st code have syntex error
You missed open round bracket.
In second question it will also give error.if you will write like this
word = 'a'+ 'b'
print(word*3 +'!')
Then Output will be
+ 5
Mam first you missed round bracket in first print statement second thing you wrote
What is ! Means it wont be add after calculate word*3 if u want to print exclamation mark then u have to write it on double quotes
+ 5
Priya Singh see my first code i corrected it
+ 5
But if I am copying and running it then error is coming.
+ 5
Thanks a lot!
+ 4
But i'm getting an error
+ 4
Please write and give the code.