Python program that checks weather data.

I want to make a Python program that checks weather data and uses that data to make a list of what to pack for a trip there. How would I get the weather data of a city that is input?

1st Oct 2020, 5:41 PM
Aria - avatar
5 Answers
+ 2
pip install pyowm
1st Oct 2020, 6:33 PM
Oma Falk
Oma Falk - avatar
+ 1
check this out it gets the weather using openweathermaps api. (it uses a geolocation api for location as well) and then you can take it a step further and set default clothes depending on the output EDIT: the important module is: pyowm https://code.sololearn.com/cn11KI97Xvn0/?ref=app
1st Oct 2020, 5:54 PM
Slick - avatar
+ 1
Thomas , honestly it wont work even if you have pyowm. i imported some other personal modules and methods. But yeah, all the pyowm code should be fine to mess with. They also have a doc page that explains the common methods
1st Oct 2020, 6:58 PM
Slick - avatar
Thanks for the idea. The code doesnt work (“No Module Named pyowm”) but I can look at the code and see what its doing.
1st Oct 2020, 5:59 PM
Aria - avatar