+ 1
Still i am facing problem with continue and break loops...why this happens...can anyone plz clear me
x=input() for y in range(x): if y ==5: print(y) if y>=6: continue print(y) print(y)
2 Answers
+ 1
Let the value of x = 8
for y in range(8):
#means the numbers from 0:7
if y ==5:
Out put 5
if y >=6 :
#means if y = 6,7 as the range of x =8 which means the greatest number is 7
then the following sentence
print(y) ====> will output 7
The last sentence which exist out the for loop will output 7
Remark : the second if ststement should be inside the loop
could u please fix the identation so that we can read the code clearly