+ 15

What is the meaning of server-side coding ?

where we coding and how the process is happens ? I'm so confused reading articals. If some one know please give a help that how we going to start coding in server side. I don't know is this a stupid question. But Im soo confused now. Please help

11th Mar 2017, 11:48 AM
E J Chathuranga
E J Chathuranga - avatar
32 Answers
+ 36
Imagine two computers, a server (maybe with your website on it) and the computer of a visitor to your site. The visitor's computer is the "client", and your website is on the "server". Now, let's say that you want your website to process a form from the user/client, and store it in a database. The form downloaded to the client may have scripts to validate the form (make sure there are only numbers in the "credit card field", for example). This would be an example of "client side scripting". After the client submits the form to your server, the code/program/script that would parse the data from the form and store it in the database would be "server-side". Basically, if the code is running in the clients browser (or other client program), it's NOT server-side, and the rest of the code, for any online interface, would be server-side.
15th Mar 2017, 10:08 PM
Troy McGuire
Troy McGuire - avatar
+ 11
It is very secure part of coding. Server read languages like php and output information in form of html, in same time client side the code output as html.
16th Mar 2017, 5:56 AM
Animesh - avatar
+ 8
Back-End ... , the hidden side of the application .., It is the spirit, the mind and the heart of the application.
17th Mar 2017, 12:34 AM
Mohammed Al-Ajlouni
Mohammed Al-Ajlouni - avatar
+ 7
Server side coding - simply code that is running and executing on server (for example by PHP). Server is then responsible for security, validation, ... Server side code is called backend.
19th Mar 2017, 9:54 PM
CODE SAILOR - avatar
+ 5
Process: it's like when u order food in restaurant. The menu card is the frontend..u order an item. The waiter(browser) delivers ur order to chef(server side code)..he prepares it and waiter(browser) delivers it to you. Follow this course in codeacademy to understand the full process https://www.codecademy.com/learn/deploy-a-website
20th Mar 2017, 4:56 AM
kz kz
kz kz - avatar
+ 4
It means here​ code are executes firstly on server then gives output to the user.
15th Mar 2017, 3:53 PM
Raj Shekhar
Raj Shekhar - avatar
+ 3
code that expects data from a remote client through some interactive interface and sending a response to that remote client. an example is the code that writes your post here in sololearn. you give it the string of the question you want to ask from your phon and it updates on the server so all sololearners can see your question
14th Mar 2017, 3:50 AM
Zemuldo - avatar
+ 3
es muy seguro
20th Mar 2017, 7:51 PM
JDL - avatar
+ 2
"Server-side scripting is a technique used in web development which involves employing scripts on a web server which produce a response customized for each user's (client's) request to the website." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server-side_scripting in other words, server-side is the the behind the scenes, like checking if the user is logged. PHP, asp, Perl,Ruby are server side languages, different from Javascript/HTML/CSS which are client-side.
11th Mar 2017, 12:23 PM
Welliton Malta
Welliton Malta - avatar
+ 2
server side script decides what the server should send to your browser. for example did you entered your password correctly what you see after login etc...
11th Mar 2017, 3:03 PM
Nithin - avatar
+ 2
es muy seguro
20th Mar 2017, 7:51 PM
JDL - avatar
+ 1
The code that is stored and execute in server to serve client request which vary and also its not possible for client to see server side code. also to generate a dynamic web page.
11th Mar 2017, 2:46 PM
Vishal Prajapati
+ 1
Server side codes are codes that tell the site what to do. For example, when you submitted your post it got sent from your device to the server, the server side code then saved it, and displayed it for everyone else to see
11th Mar 2017, 2:51 PM
Hello World!!!!
Hello World!!!! - avatar
+ 1
codes written in any web server and in client side all pages will load from server and everything done on servers are called server side coding. so server will be more loaded in server side coding. HTML, CSS, javaScript and angularJS are popular for client side coding, with this we can make more dynamic web pages and all logic will be present in client side. client will be dependent on server only for fetching data. Except data all logic will be mostly in client side.
16th Mar 2017, 12:11 PM
Sumita Pal
Sumita Pal - avatar
+ 1
it's the code that run in the server like rails code or php it's the back end
19th Mar 2017, 10:16 AM
Fares Laloui
Fares Laloui - avatar
+ 1
your code run at server instead of your browser. frequent updation in websites become simple in server side than client side.
20th Mar 2017, 8:26 AM
Somasundaram R
Somasundaram R - avatar
+ 1
Server side coding is just simply code that is run on a host computer, or take it this way: A customer and a shop, A customer goes in the shop interacts with the sales man(client side scripting) and the manager of the shop manages all the salesmen (server side scripting). which means that code that interacts with you but processes on a different computer other than yours
20th Mar 2017, 4:59 PM
Zainul Abedin
Zainul Abedin - avatar
+ 1
Sever side coding is a programming aspects that deals with the security, storage, logic and the rendering of the end result to client site which may include Web site view through browser or mobile application.
20th Mar 2017, 6:19 PM
Ahmad Abdulnasir Shuaib
Ahmad Abdulnasir Shuaib - avatar
+ 1
the server side coding is about of how will work your website for example a database and client-side is how your website looks ONLY
20th Mar 2017, 6:24 PM
Angel Olvera
Angel Olvera - avatar
+ 1
server side coding means the code which is written in the formation of a dynamic web page so that the client who is using the server will get notifications like...type the password correctly...or...the client can submit the informations...to the server
20th Mar 2017, 8:03 PM
Supratik Rakshit
Supratik Rakshit - avatar