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How to calculate output of sum of digits in a given input number?
13 Answers
+ 2
There are a couple of ways to do this. One way is:
1. Turn your integer into a string
2. Iterate through the string to get each digit
3. Turn each digit back into an integer
4a. Append these digits into an empty list, then sum(list)
4b. Or have a value similar to
total =0
Then :
total += digits
+ 3
print(sum(map(int, input().strip())))
+ 3
QTWizard Clever!
I was thinking:
num = int(input() or 2345)
print(sum(int(i) for i in str(num)))
+ 3
QTWizard True, that would be the more streamlined, but my interpretation of the original question was that an integer would be the input, hence all the conversions. 😁
+ 2
Thanks for the hint....
i did it....
total =0
total =total+dig
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Rik Wittkopp While iterating through the string, if you can turn the digit to integer, why don't you just do the sum in there? I think there's no need to make a list of it since the OP only asking "How to calculate". Not saying that you're wrong but, you get what I mean.
+ 1
LastSecond959 You are correct, but how to explain all that to a beginner without also supplying a code as reference.
I was trying to give simple hints on the process
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Rik Wittkopp Well, you have a point.
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Rik Wittkopp yeah, you can use generator expressions.👍
But you are doing some redundant operations(convert str to int then back to str)
You can write:
num = input() or "2345"
print(sum(int(i) for i in num))
Or simply:
print(sum(int(i) for i in input() or "2345").
+ 1
total= sum(list(map(int,input())))
this is a python trick to calculate the sum of digits of the number
can you give me the answer in the code form ....
Why don't you try it? I don't want to ruin the surprise or spoil anything.
i m trying.....
but i m getting confuse with using proper syntex.....