+ 1
Which tool you use to check the responsiveness of your webpage
I used chrome Dev tool but I feel it's not at all accurate, any suggestions?
5 Answers
+ 3
Chrome dev took works fine for me 🤔
+ 2
Try using the actual mobile view inside of Chrome dev tools, and remember to set initial scale and width in your <head>
Most of the time when doing queries I just use Chrome, and then later check it out from a user’s point of view on other devices. I’ll usually cycle through a Macbook, windows machine, an iphone, and an ipad.
+ 1
RDC for me it's not same as when we view it on mobile I think it's becuz there may be zooming in chrome desktop,that's why may be , also sometimes even if I have overflow hidden in my code, there will be scroll for some extra width idk from where it comes but it will work perfect when run on mobile
+ 1
Set the your page header to the scale of your mobile phone
George S Mulbah how to set page header to scale of mobile? Can you give steps