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What does >> do in python?
x = 5 print(x>>1) The output is 2. I don't know why.Please let me know. Thank youđ
4 Answers
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RainStorm For simple operations like 5*4 using shift operator may be slow, but when the operands grow, it can still be faster. For example 2<<100 is already much faster than 2*2**100.
But actually I thought bitwise operators were absolutely faster than arithmetic operators, but it might be about Python that they always aren't.
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Those bitwise operators are really slow. Don't recommend using them.
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Seb TheS yeah, you are right.
+ 1
Shift right operation is equivalent to integer division by 2**nb_bits. You could achieve the same result using:
1- floor division: 5 // 2
2- Int(5/2)