6 Answers
+ 1
Hisham SH 🇲🇦 if you think it is an error consider contacting support. I don't think other users in Q&A can help you with that. If you have problems with your code please give a specific description
+ 1
A week ago or more, they've added some little projects in the course. I had to scroll through the course and finish them to access my certificate again. Now I have a PDF certificate with the date of july and a new one with the date of october.
free tasks
It is free like all certificates but you have to solve the challenges
I did ! I solve them all , and I got my certificate one week ago, but I dont know how there is one task other not solved yet . And when I try to solve it, I can't !!!
I received a letter about new quiz in Python 3 a week ago but I don't find any new additions. Where can I find it?